Monday, July 2, 2012

A personal reflection: West Coast Honor Camp

This past week at West Coast Honor Camp, I've been discussing what Pastor Shawn was teaching and what the students were learning, as well as some of the other activities at Camp. Today, I'd like to take the opportunity to share the things God taught me and the ways He's challenged me personally.
God challenged campers and staff alike at Camp. 

This week, God reminded me that when we tell Him we're willing to do something, He'll hold us to it. Through a variety of circumstances, I got my counselor/staff application in late, and so I honestly didn't know what spaces were left to fill. As such, I stated I would do whatever it was God wanted me to do. However, in my head, I was looking forward to serving as a junior high counselor for my second year.

Camp training came, at which point I learned my application had been missed by accident, so I had not yet been assigned a position. However, I heard that they were doubling counselors in each cabin, and my mother was informed that they hoped to have her serve as staff this year. Once again, I claimed my willingness to serve wherever, though my desire to serve as a counselor grew stronger.

Sometimes what we want is not what we need, nor is it what God has in mind — and at all times, when we make a promise before God, He challenges us to keep it. Two days before camp, the volunteer list came out: my mom was a counselor, I was staff.

The challenge of doing what I told God I was willing do came at least twofold this past week. For those of you how haven't read my bio, I am studying at the University of Nevada, Reno to become a journalist and writer. When people ask what I want to do once I graduate, I tell them I want to use my writing in ministry, possibly at a Christian publication, helping people and sharing the good things God is doing in people's lives. This desire to apply what I'm learning was also the inspiration in starting Twofifteen Bits. And this desire is the reason there were a few posts here and there prior to this past week

As staff at this year's camp (which I did enjoy, and from which I learned a lot), I had more spare time than I would have had as a counselor. I also had access to a computer and to internet. And I had access to the junior high and high school campers, as well as other staff members. Combine these together, and I had a God-given opportunity in the field to use my education in the way I said I would. Using termonology from Pastor Shawn, I was given a "giant job in the middle of a tiny task."

This week, God reminded me that He has plans for me and showed me reasons for why He does things the way he does. He also helped me remember and understand that when we're willing to follow through with promises and serve where He wants us instead of where we want Him to want us, he will bless us in ways beyond our imagination. That's how I was challenged and what I learned this year at Camp.

Though West Coast Honor Camp is over for the year, I encourage you all to continue checking back to Twofifteen Bits, either subscribing here or liking it on Facebook. Lord willing, I will try to post every 2-3 weeks about what's going on in Awana and what God is teaching me through it.

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