Monday, October 12, 2015

A little oil and trust

Scripture: Acts 16:31, 2 Kings 4:1-7
Materials needed: Bottle of oil

Have clubbers look up Acts 16:31: “So they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” Have a clubber read it, then repeat Acts 16:31b a couple times, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (this is a Sparks memory verse).

Pull out the bottle of oil and show the kids. Place it where they can see it through the lesson.

Ask Clubbers:
What do we normally use oil for?
- Baking (cooking)

Tell Clubbers:
Raise your hand if you’ve ever helped your mom or dad bake cookies. Yum! Like us, people in Bible times used oil for baking and cooking.

They also used oil for other things, like lighting their homes after dark. You see, they didn’t have electricity, so they would pour oil into a special container and light it, much like a candle.

Another common use of oil was personal cleaning. Oil was used in soap and as a perfume. If you can’t tell, oil was important to people in Bible times.

Now I want to tell you a story in 2 Kings about a woman. This woman had two sons and was married to a prophet (a man who told people things that God said). Every day, the prophet worked hard to earn enough money to pay what he owed and take care of his family. But one day, the man died.

Without her husband working, the woman had no money to pay off what they owed. To make things worse, the person she owed was coming soon to get his money. If she didn’t have the money to give him, then he would take her two sons and make them his slaves!

Ask Clubbers:
How do you think the woman felt?
- Allow responses. Examples: Scared, worried, afraid

Tell Clubbers:
It just so happened that another of God’s prophets, Elisha, was in town. Elisha had known the woman’s dead husband, so the woman came to Elisha for help. This is what Elisha told her to do.

First, he asked her what she had in her house.

Ask Clubbers:
What do you think she had?
- Oil

Tell Clubbers:
That’s right. In fact, that was the only thing she had left — one single jar of oil.

In 2 Kings 4:3-4, Elisha gave her instructions for using her oil. He told her (in NIV):

“Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.”

Ask Clubbers:
How many jars of oil did the woman say she had?
- One

Tell Clubbers:
And Elisha’s telling her to fill up as many jars as she can get with that one jar of oil.

Ask Clubbers:
How many of you would think Elisha was crazy? How many would think, “That will work!”

Tell Clubbers:
Well, the woman decided to try, trusting that God would provide. So she gathered the jars, went into the house with her sons, and started pouring. Soon a jar was full, and there was still some oil left in her original jar, so she asked her sons, “bring me another.” Then that jar filled. It was working! “Bring me another!” “Another!” She kept pouring and pouring as her sons kept bringing empty jars until finally, “Bring me another!”

“There are no more!”

Every jar in her house was filled with oil. Elisha then told her to sell the oil and use the money to pay their debt, then she and her sons could live on what was left. Because she trusted God and followed His instructions through Elisha, she and her two sons were saved.

Maybe there’s someone here tonight who has never trusted Jesus before. If that’s you, then you’re just like the woman with no money, and the collector’s coming. You’re stuck with a debt of sin (anything you think, say, or do that breaks God’s laws). You’re stuck with a debt of sin, and there’s nothing you can do on your own to pay it off. Without God, her price would have been her sons. Without Jesus, the price of your sin is death — separation from God forever.

But just like God provided oil for the woman to give her family enough to live on, He also provided His Son Jesus Christ to give you life. Just like the oil took the place of her sons, Jesus Christ died in our place for our sins. All you have to do is trust that He paid your debt. I encourage you to talk to one of your leaders, your pastor, your parents, or your friends here at club about trusting Jesus.

For those here tonight who have already trusted Jesus, trusting God doesn’t stop after you’re saved from sin. Even after we’re saved, sometimes we face things that make us afraid, just like the woman with the oil. She was afraid of losing her two sons.

Raise your hand if there’s something you’re afraid of, like spiders, or the dark, or going to a new school. I bet we’re all afraid of something.

But when the woman trusted the Lord and followed His instructions, God took care of her. And just like we read in Acts 16:31, when we “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,” He will take care of us, too.

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