Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sparks say the silliest things!

We've all heard our Sparks say some pretty silly things, from the ever popular "only forgotten Son" and "only boughten Son" to things so silly it takes all our self control to regain our composure. And they mean every word in all sincerity. I spoke with a few Sparks leaders and former Sparks leaders about some of their favorite Sparkisms. Here they are! Enjoy, and feel free to leave your own in the comments!
Photo provided by Sierra Bible Church
While waiting her turn during Handbook Time, Ali opened her Bible and placed it on her head like a tent. Her leader asked, "Why do you have a Bible on your head?"
"I'm hiding God's Word in my head!"

Kindergartener Samantha had some difficulty reciting 1 Corinthians 15:3-4: "According to the Scrispers."

One leader shared about another kindergartener trying to say 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. "For the funniest reason, she didn't want to or like saying 'in accordance with the scriptures," from the ESV. So when saying the verse, she'd say, 'Christ died for our sins... you know!' And she'd hold both hands out for me to finish for her! It took all night to get her to finish the verse by herself."

Commanders Dan and Karla used to print pictures on their leaders' nametags. Karla's picture was from her wedding six years prior. This left kindergartener Gracie quite confused.
"Who's that?"
"That's me."
"No, it's not!"
"Yes it is. That's from when I got married."
"Oh, ok. Wow, you're really old now!"

Nikki just entered third grade, but still had some Spark charm. When her leader taught a lesson about how God loves everyone, even bullies and jerks, she asked, "Even Obama?"

During prayer time, Hank, in first grade, was terribly upset. Apparently, his gerbil got sucked into a vacuum cleaner and all his tail hair came off. So Hank prayed, "God, please help my gerbil with his lost tail hair."

Second-grader Rory couldn't quite say "Song of Solomon." Instead, she was content with "Song of Salmon."

Nicholas, in second grade, couldn't figure out who was who while reciting Joshua 24:24.
"And the people said to Moses..."
"Nick, what book are we in?"
"Who's the book about?"
"Then why do you keep saying Moses?"
"I don't know."
"Let's try again."
"And the people said to Moses..."

Awana Missionary Joel Cook was visiting a club and handing out prayer cards: cards with his family's names and picture. In the picture, he had glasses and a goatee. At the club, he did not. He handed one of the kindergarteners a card. Caleb looked at the card, looked at Mr. Cook, looked at the card, then back at Mr. Cook:
"Who are you?"
Mr. Cook borrowed some glasses and made a fake goatee.
"Oh! There you are!"

And my personal favorite:
I was teaching my handbook group about why we memorize scripture. One of my second-graders asked about the armor of God, so we discussed the Sword of the Spirit. As the discussion ended, our Sparks director came in. I turned to another of my second-graders and asked, "Grayden, why don't you tell Mr. James about why we study scripture?"
"So we can stab Satan with a Sword!"

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