Tuesday, March 26, 2013

5 Pre-Games to start club before club starts

Once the starting whistle blows and the clubbers run to their color lines for the opening ceremony, the night enters a normal routine. But pre-whistle, what can leaders do with all those high-energy kids?

Some clubs have an area for clubbers to work on their handbooks a great idea for those kids who come with 20 sections ready, or for those who want the little extra help before Handbook Time.

But if your club is like many, then most of your kids don't embrace the extra study time. Many clubs direct the kids to the Game Square and let them just hang. But some prefer a bit more controlled environment. For the latter, cue the pre-games. Below are five ideas to get you started.
Clubbers play a game of Four-Pie while waiting for the club night to begin.

Four Pie

Materials needed:
  • Rubber playground ball (or an 18in.-24in. indoor rubber ball for younger players)
  • Game Square
This game is derived from Four Square and works well for early arrivals or clubs with smaller numbers. Players rotate each round, but only four clubbers are actually playing at any time.

The Game Circle is divided into four "pies" by the colored diagonals (Hence "Four-Pie"). The pies are numbered clockwise, with 1 being the entry pie and 4 being the service pie. Each player gets one pie. The object of the game is to reach pie 4 by eliminating the people in the pies ahead of you.

The game starts with the server standing behind the white line at the back edge of her pie. She bounces the ball once, then hits it into one of the other three pies. If the ball bounces in pie 2, then the person in pie 2 must hit the ball into a different pie. Play continues until a player is disqualified. The disqualified player exits the game and stands in line outside the Game Square. Remaining players advance one pie until all pies are filled. Then the server serves again. If the ball lands on the lines instead of inside or outside a pie, players may choose to replay the round.

Players may be disqualified five* ways.
  • If the ball bounces in their pie and they fail to hit it to another pie.
  • If the ball bounces twice or more in a single pie without bouncing in another pie.
  • If the players bounce the ball in their own pie
  • If the players double-dribble
  • If the players hit the ball outside the circle
*Clubs may include house rules, such as no spikes or the ball must bounce in the pie prior to hitting.

  • Use the Game Square instead of the Circle, making each section a triangle instead of a pie.
  • Play in the Center Square for a smaller area of play and a new challenge.
  • Play with two or more players in each section instead of one.


Materials needed:
  • Game Square
This is a variation of tag. One person is the Spider ("it"), and the others try to run away. Players may only run away by following the lines of the "web" (Game Square). If the Spider tags a player, then the player becomes "stuck" in the web and cannot move from the place of tagging. Also, no other players except for the Spider may pass a stuck player. The winner is the last person to be tagged.


Robbins and Roosters

Materials needed:
  • (Optional) A rope or line dividing the Square into two rectangles
  • A designated caller
  • Game Square or other square or rectangle
This is another tag variation. Play begins with the players roughly divided evenly into two teams: Robbins and Roosters. The two teams face each other on either side of the line at the center of the square.

The caller names one of the teams, for instance, "Roosters." The roosters cross the center rope and try tagging the robins. The robins turn around and run from the roosters, trying to cross the back square line without being tagged. Any tagged robins become roosters. Once all the robins are either tagged or safely across the line, players return to the center. Play resumes with the caller's team announcement. Play can continue indefinitely by alternating calls.


Bowling for Clubbers

Materials needed:
  • Giant ball, 18in.-24in. or larger
  • Game Square or other square area
This is like Rabbit Hunt or Circle Dodgeball, just with a giant ball. Play begins with a designated group in the circle (all clubbers, all leaders, all T&T, all boys, all girls with pony tails, etc.) The remaining players stand around the outside of the circle. At the whistle, the players outside the circle "bowl" the ball, trying to hit the players inside the circle. When players are hit, they become bowlers outside the circle. The last player in the circle wins, and a new dodging group is designated.

Players in the circle are out if:
  • The ball touches them below the neck
  • They step outside the circle
Players are not out if:
  • The ball hits them in the head
  • The bowler steps inside the circle
  • The bowler throws the ball instead of bowling
Variation: The Gauntlet

Play begins with a designated group of runners standing behind one of the four square sides. The other players line the two sides of the square adjacent to the runners. At the whistle, the runners try to safely pass through "the gauntlet" by running across the opposite line without getting touched by the ball. The players on either side bowl the ball back and forth, trying to hit the runners before they cross the line. Runners touched by the ball join the bowlers. Runners who make it safely through wait for the whistle and then try to run back. The last runner wins, and new runners are designated.



Materials Needed:
  • Jump rope or long rope with a ball at the end (will hit or wrap around player's ankles)
  • Optional: Gloves (prevents rope burns)
  • Game Square or other large playing area
Play begins with all but one of the players standing in a circle with the last player in the middle holding the rope ball. The center player holds the non-ball end of the rope and begins rolling the ball around him, gradually letting the rope out until it is fully extended. The players surrounding him jump the rope as it swings by. Players are out if they fail to jump, or if the rope or ball hits their ankles. Once a player is disqualified, play begins again. The game continues until only one player remains.

What are some things you do for that pre-club time? Please share them in the comments!

For more information about Awana Clubs International, visit the Awana Homepage.
To find a club in your area visit the Club Locator.

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